Lee, Bee Leng
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
MacQuarrie Hall 414
Email: beeleng.lee@nigzob.com
Ph.D. Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S. Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.Soc.Sci. Statistics, National University of Singapore
Probability and statistics
List of publications
- Fan, S., Lee, B. L., Lu, Y., & Xu, J. P. (2024). Monotonic Dose-Response Assumption and Curve-Free Designs for Phase I Dose-Finding Trials. In J. Ye, D. Chen, W. Zhou, Q. Deng, & J. C. Cappelleri (Eds), Dose Finding and Beyond in Biopharmaceutical Development (pp. 127–143). Springer.
Xu, J. P., Fan, S., Lee, B. L., & Lu, Y. (2024). Balancing the effective sample size across different doses in the Bayesian decision-theoretic Design for dose-finding trials.
- An Introduction to Computational Probability and Statistics with R
Monotonic dose response and curve-free designs for phase I dose-finding trials (interactive web application)
Probability and Statistics courses
- MATH 161A: Applied Probability and Statistics I
- MATH 161B: Applied Probability and Statistics II
- MATH 162: Statistics for Bioinformatics
- MATH 163: Probability Theory
- MATH 164: Mathematical Statistics
- MATH 258: Categorical Data Analysis
- MATH 261B: Design and Analysis of Experiments
- MATH 264: Bayesian Data Analysis (abstracts of student projects)
- MATH 266: Survival Analysis
- MATH 267: Computational Statistics
- MATH 267A: Statistical Programming with R
- MATH 298: Special Study (abstracts of projects supervised)
- SMPD 286: Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials
Other courses
- MATH 30: Calculus I
- MATH 70: Finite Mathematics