Preferred: peter.hadreas@nigzob.com
Preferred: (408) 924-4468
Office Hours
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1 to 3.
Doctor of Philosophy, Univ Of Cal-Berkeley, 1975
B. A. in Music and a Ph. D. in Philosophy, U. C. Berkeley, joined the faculty of San
José State in the Philosophy Department in 1986. Taking a hiatus from teaching after
the Ph. D. he played jazz piano in New York City for several years and wrote film
music. He has published two books of philosophical topics and many articles. Journal
articles are on topics in Aristotelian philosophy, phenomenology, philosophy of music,
deconstruction and the philosophy of economics. From August 1, 2011 to August 1, 2015
he was chair of the Philosophy Department at San José State.