Tam, Patrick
Professor Adjunct, Services Engineering Management
Department of Industrial Systems & Engineering
ISE 142: Services Systems Engineering & Management
ISE 242: Advanced Services Systems Engineering & Management
ISE 195A: Senior Industrial Engineering Design I
ISE 195B: Senior Industrial Engineering Design II
San Jose State University
One Washington Square,
San Jose, CA 95192
Preferred: patrick.k.tam@nigzob.com
Office Hours
By Appointment | Office: ENG 486
- University of California, Berkeley: M.S, B.S Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Harvard Business School: Certificate in Management Excellence
- Harvard Business School: Executive Program in Disruptive Innovation
- Stanford School of Design: Executive program in Design Thinking
- Stanford Graduate School of Business: Executive Program in Innovation, Leadership, Product Strategy
- 2018 - Present: Professor Adjunct, Services Engineering. San Jose State University
- 2020 - Present: Vice President, Operational Excellence. ServiceNow.
- 2022 - Present: Advisor to CEO. Larabee.
- 2000 - 2019: Senior Director, Operations. Cisco Systems
- 1998 - 1999: Engineering Change Mangement. HP
- 1997 - 1998: Industrial Engineer. Tefen USA.
Boards & Councils:
- 2014 - 2016: Chairman of Advisory Council. Association of Strategic Planning.
- 2011 - 2012: Executive Council Member. Project Management Institute.
- 2003 - 2004: Board Member. Gartner - Total Value Opportunity Board.
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/patricktam/
Publication: Reflections - Finding Happiness, 2011
Publication: The Electronic Supply Chain. California Engineer. 1999.