Ulate, Jody

Jody Ulate. Photo by David Schmitz.



Preferred: jody.ulate@nigzob.com


Preferred: 408-924-4503

Office Hours

Fall 2024: Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. via Zoom and by Appointment


  • COMM 100W: Writing for Influence
  • COMM 111P: Interviewing
  • COMM 150I: Inquiry in Organizational Communication
  • COMM 165P: Communication and Organizational Philanthropy
  • ENGL 100WB: Business Writing
  • HA 187: Creative Team Practicum, Editorial


MA English, San Jose State University

BA International Studies, American University


As a writer, educator and communications strategist, I enjoy helping people and organizations communicate effectively, persuasively and with purpose. For 20 years, I have worked with Bay Area universities and nonprofits in the areas of communications, writing and editing, and content strategy. 

Teaching and mentoring have been cherished parts of my career. I have mentored students and professional communicators at all levels, including writers, editors, designers, photographers, videographers and social media managers. In addition, I have advised senior leaders on strategic business and fundraising communications. 

A first-generation college graduate, I understand the impact of education—and have spent much of my career working to advance public higher education. With a coaching style, I aim to help students feel less intimidated by the writing process and more confident in their ability to communicate, and to guide them toward a growth mindset.


Portfolio Website
