Tyukhov, Igor

Igor Tyukhov

Mechanical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department


Preferred: igor.tyukhov@nigzob.com

Alternate: igor.tyukhov@nigzob.com


Preferred: +1 408 618 9445





National Research University (MPEI), PhD


Igor I. Tyukhov, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University) (MPEI), 1972, MPIE, Ph.D., 1979.
More than 35 years teaching various physics and engineering disciplines (from general physics to solid state physics, photovoltaics and semiconductor lasers) and conducting research work on solar energy, solar concentrators, optical metrology, semiconductor physics and technology, renewable energy, solar cells, MPEI, 1975-2002.
Deputy Chair Holder of the UNESCO “Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification at the All-Russian Research Institute for Electrification of Agriculture, 1997-2017.
Associate Prof. of Moscow Aviation Institute, Department of Applied Mathematics, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Analog and Digital Electronics (Lectures, e-labs and practical exercises), 2017.
Visiting Professor at George Mason University (1999-2000), at University of Oregon (2002-2003), and at Oregon Technological Institute (2003).
Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal (Elsevier) from 2003.
The author of more than 300 papers, teaching material, reports, patents (RF), book chapters and monograph.
Adjunct Prof. of San Jose State University, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering from 2018. Teaching ME 170 Solar Energy Engineering, ME115 Thermal Energy Engineering Lab, ENGR102 Renewable Energy Engineering, EE221 Principle of Semiconductor Devices, ME195 Senior Design Project, EE128 Physical Electronics.
Grant for 2019/2020 in the framework of Lab Innovations with Technology program funded through the Academic Technology Services of the CSU Chancellor's Office for creating Photovoltaic equipment for Lab ME115.
Active learning certificate program, Spring 2019.
Student Success Research Program, Spring 2020.
菠菜网lol正规平台 Teach Online Summer Certificate, Cohort One, 2020.
菠菜网lol正规平台 Resilient Course Design Institute, Cohort Two, 2021.
Purposeful Pivoting for Academic Continuity at 菠菜网lol正规平台, 2022.
STEM course redesign program 2021-2022.
Hobby: tennis, bike, listening country songs, reading Dave Barry books.


‪Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EBR3m6gAAAAJ&hl=en 
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/igor-tyukhov-ph-d-7660a6a/